1. Feature 1:Animation Dropdown
    1. Input: User Dropdown
    2. Process: The user will select the Spin Animation or the Bounce Animation.
    3. Output: This will make the cube start Spinning or Bouncing.
  2. Feature 2: Animation Speed Slider
    1. Input: Slider
    2. Process: The User will move the slider from left to right.
    3. Output: The leftmost option is the cube’s selected animation at its regular speed, while the rightmost option is the animation at 5x its speed.
  3. Feature 3: HousePrefab Door Animation
    1. Input: “O” or “C” on the keyboard
    2. Process: User presses “O”, triggers door opening animation. If user presses “C” afterward, it triggers the idle animation.
    3. Output: The HousePrefab’s door opens and closes.
  4. Feature 4: HousePrefab PartyMode Animation
    1. Input: “P” on keyboard
    2. Process: User presses “P”, triggers “party mode” animation.
    3. Output: The HousePrefab window begins to change colors.
Made withUnity